Douglas Irwin, Economist and the John French Professor of Dartmouth Economics Department, has been named a 2019 Global Thinker by Foreigh Policy magazine. The magazine named him under the 10 thinkers in its ECONOMICS & BUSINESS section.
Here is what Foreign Policy magazine wrote about Doug Irwin :
"At a time when trade tussles seem to be breaking out all over the world, Douglas Irwin has emerged as one of the clearest interpreters of White House trade policy. According to the Dartmouth economist, U.S. President Donald Trump's approach to what he calls "easy to win" trade wars resembles the ill-fated Smoot-Hawley tariffs of the 1930s—and the consequences could be equally disastrous."
Check out the complete list of Foreign Policy magazine's 100 Global thinkers for 2019
Check out Doug Irwin's other media coverage "Why Trump's Protectionism Is Futile" on WSJ and "Worst. Tariffs. Ever." on NPR